Aktualne spremembe predpisov


  • kreditno tveganje - splošni predpisi:
    • EBA: Peer Review on the Guidelines on the application of the definition of default (EBA/GL/20216/07) (22 July 2024)
  • kreditno tveganje - Standardizirani in IRB pristop za izračun kapitalske zahteve:
    • Izvedbena uredba Komisije (EU) 2024/1872 z dne 1. julija 2024 o spremembi izvedbenih tehničnih standardov, določenih v Izvedbeni uredbi (EU) 2016/1799, glede razpredelnic vzporejanja, ki določajo ujemanje ocen kreditnega tveganja zunanjih bonitetnih institucij s stopnjami kreditne kakovosti, določenimi v Uredbi (EU) št. 575/2013 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta (UL L št. 2024/1872 z dne 5. julija 2024)
    • EBA clarifies the operational application of CRR 3 in the area of credit risk modelling (17 July 2024)
  • tržno tveganje:
    • Commission proposes to postpone by one year the market risk prudential requirements under Basel III in the EU (24 July 2024)
      Banking package: Moving forward with the implementation of the Basel standards, while preserving the international level playing field (24 July 2024)
      Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) …/... of 24.7.2024 amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the date of application of the own funds requirements for market risk (C(2024) 5139 final; 24 July 2024)   
    • The EBA consults on criteria to assess the materiality of CVA risk exposures arising from securities financing transactions (8 July 2024)
      Consultation Paper - Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on credit valuation adjustment risk of securities financing transactions under Article 382(6) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (EBA/CP/2024/14; 8 July 2024)
  • ureditev notranjega upravljanja:
    • EBA Report on the application of gender-neutral remuneration plocoes by institutions and investment firms (EBA /REP/2014/16; July 2024)     
    • EBA Report on application of derogations under Art 94(3) and 94(5) CRD regarding the pay out of remuneration to identified staff (EBA/REP/2014/15; July 2024)
  • II. steber:
    • EBA reflects on EU stacking orders and provides insight into EU institutions’ management buffers (15 July 2024)



  • List of Central Counterparties authorised to offer services and activities in the Union (ESMA70-148-2567; 15 July 2024)    
  • Press Release - ESMA’s stress test of Central Counterparties finds clearing system resilient (ESMA71-545613100-2541; 9 July 2024)
    Final Report - Fifth ESMA Stress Test Exercise for Central Counterparties (ESMA91-1505572268-3627; 9 July 2024)
    Questions and Answers (Q&A) ESMA CCP Stress Test (ESMA91-1505572268-3847; 9 July 2024)

Trajnostno financiranje:

  • Popravek Direktive (EU) 2023/2864 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 13. decembra 2023 o spremembi nekaterih direktiv glede vzpostavitve in delovanja evropske enotne točke dostopa (UL L št. 2024/90411 z dne 15. julija 2024)


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