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ECB: Commercial real estate valuations: insights from on-site inspections (Supervision Newsletter; 14 August 2024) |
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ECB: Zooming in on leveraged finance (Supervision Newsletter; 14 August 2024) |
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EBA: Peer Review on the Guidelines on the application of the definition of default (EBA/GL/20216/07) (22 July 2024) |
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ECB: Charting the future: risks and lending standards in residential real estate (Supervision Newsletter; 15 May 2024) |
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EBA: IFRS 9 Implementation by EU institutions, 2023 Monitoring report (EBA/Rep/2023/36; 17 November 2023) |
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ECB: Forbearance: banks need to gear up (17 May 2023) |
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EBA closure Report of COVID-19 measures (EBA/REP/2022/32; 16 December 2022)
- Public guarantee schemes issued in response to the Covid-19 pandemic (last updated December 2022)
- Notifications on general payment moratoria in response to Covid-19 (last updated December 2022)
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EBA Report on the application of the infrastructure supporting factor as of December 2021 (EBA/REP/2022/29; 03 November 2022) |
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Banks exposed to downside risks as residential real estate markets get overheated, EBA Report finds (10 October 2022)
- EBA Thematic note – residential real estate exposures of EU banks: risks and mitigants (EBA/REP/2022/24; 10 October 2022)
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EBA publishes peer review on management of non-performing exposures (17 May 2022)
EBA Report on the peer review on supervision of NPE management (EBA/REP/2022/12; 17 May 2022)
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ECB letter to the significant institutions: Leveraged transactions - supervisory expectations regarding the design and functioning of risk appetite frameworks and high levels of risk taking (28 March 2022) |
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EBA notes significant efforts in IFRS 9 implementation by EU institutions but cautions on some of the observed accounting practices, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (24 November 2021)
IFRS 9 Implementation by EU institutions: Monitoring report (EBA/Rep/2021/35; 24 November 2021)
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ECB: Credit underwriting standards: a challenge for smaller banks (17 February 2021) |
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ECB poziva banke k ustrezni obravnavi kreditnega tveganja in k izboljšanju gospodarnosti poslovanja (28. januar 2021) |
EBA welcomes European Commission’s action plan to tackle NPLs in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic (16 December 2020) |
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ECB pismo vsem pomembnim institucijam: Ugotavljanje in merjenje kreditnega tveganja v kontekstu pandemije koronavirusa (COVID-19) (4. december 2020) |
Banks report a significant use of COVID-19 moratoria and public guarantees (20 November 2020)
− First evidence on the use of moratoria and public guarantees in the EU banking sector: November 2020 – thematic note (EBA/Rep/2020/31; November 2020)
− Statistical Annex
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Report on the benchmarking of national loan enforcement frameworks: Response to the European Commission's call for Advice on benchmarking of national loan enforcement frameworks (including insolvency frameworks) from a bank creditor perspective (EBA/Rep/2020/29; 18 November 2020) |
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EBA saw that NPL ratios remained stable in Q2-2020 although early signals of asset quality deterioration in banks’ balance sheets start to appear (5 October 2020) |
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ECB pismo vsem pomembnim institucijam: Operativne zmogljivosti za obravnavo dolžnikov v finančnih težavah zaradi pandemije koronavirusa (COVID-19) (28. julij 2020) |
EBA provides clarity on the implementation of the prudential framework in the context of COVID-19 (7 July 2020)
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ECB: Trends and risks in credit underwriting standards of significant institutions in the Single Supervisory Mechanism - Main findings from the credit underwriting data collection 2019 (June 2020) |
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Sporočilo Komisije Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu: Razlagalno sporočilo Komisije o uporabi računovodskih in bonitetnih okvirov za olajšanje bančnega kreditiranja v EU - Pomoč podjetjem in gospodinjstvom v času pandemije COVID-19 (COM(2020) 169 final; 28. april 2020)
ECB pismo za vse pomembne institucije: MSRP 9 v kontekstu pandemije koronavirusa (COVID-19) (1. april 2020)
EBA provides clarity to banks and consumers on the application of the prudential framework in light of COVID-19 measures (25 March 2020)
- EBA Statement on the application of the prudential framework regarding Default, Forbearance and IFRS9 in light of COVID19 measures (25 March 2020)
- ESMA public statement: Accounting implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on the calculation of expected credit losses in accordance with IFRS 9
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ECB Banking Supervision provides further flexibility to banks in reaction to coronavirus (20 March 2020)
- FAQs on ECB supervisory measures in reaction to the coronavirus
Opinion of the European Banking Authority on the Equivalence of supervisory and regulatory requirements in relation to Serbia and South Korea (EBA/Op/2020-01; 23 January 2020) |
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EBA Report on NPLs: Progress made and challenges ahead (8 November 2019) |
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EBA Roadmap for IFRS 9 deliverables (23 July 2019) |
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Fourth Progress Report on the reduction of non-performing loans and further risk reduction in the Banking Union (COM(2019) 278 final; 12 June 2019) |
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ESRB: Macroprudential approaches to non-performing loans (January 2019) |
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EBA Report on first observations on the impact and implementation of IFRS 9 by EU institutions (20 December 2018) |
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ESRB: Approaching non-performing loans from a macroprudential angle (Reports of the Advisory Scientific Committee, No 7; September 2018) |
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ECB announces further steps in supervisory approach to stock of NPLs (11 July 2018) |
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EBA Report on the Credit risk mitigation (CRM) framework (19 March 2018) |
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Commission measures to address the risks related to NPLs (14 March 2018) |
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EBA Report on statutory prudential backstops – Response to the Commission's call for advice of November 2017 (14 March 2018) |
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Bančna unija: prvo poročilo o napredku pri reševanju vprašanja slabih posojil za podporo načrtu za zmanjšanje tveganj (18. januar 2018) |
Opinion of the European Banking Authority on the use of the 180 days past due criterion (EBA/Op/2017/17; 22 December 2017) |
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Tematski pregled EMN o MSRP 9: Ocena pripravljenosti institucij na uvedbo MSRP 9 (24 November 2017) |
EBA Report on results from the second EBA impact assessment of IFRS 9 (13 July 2017) |
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Stocktake of national supervisory practices and legal frameworks related to NPLs (June 2017) |
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EBA publishes Opinion on transitional arrangements and credit risk adjustments due to the introduction of IFRS 9 (6 March 2017) |
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ESA Final Report on Good Supervisory Practices for Reducing Mechanistic Reliance on Credit Ratings - Final Report (JC 2016 71; 20 December 2016) |
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ECB: Kaj so nedonosna posojila? (14. januar 2021) |
EBA Report on SMEs and SME supporting factor (EBA/OP/2016/04; 23 March 2016) |
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Opinion of the European Banking Authority on Mortgage Lending Value (MLV) (EBA/Op/2015/17; 5 October 2015) |
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EBA, EIOPA and ESMA Final Report On Mechanisic references to credit ratings in the ESAs' guidelines and recommendations (JC 2014 004) (06 February 2014) |
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