Site map
Monetary policy
- Monetary policy strategy
- Monetary policy implementation
- Announcements
- Regulation
- Publications
- Calendar for the tender operations and reserve maintenance periods
Financial stability
Institutions under supervision
- Banks in Slovenia
- Savings banks in Slovenia
- EEA state's credit institutions in Slovenia
- Representative offices of credit institutions in Slovenia
- EEA state´s special financial institutions in Slovenia
- Credit intermediaries for real estate
- Payment institutions
- EEA state's payment institutions in Slovenia
- Electronic money institutions
- EEA state's electronic money institutions in Slovenia
- Services - EEA state's credit institutions in Slovenia
- Currency exchange operators
- Payment systems operators
- Services - EEA state´s special financial institutions in Slovenia
- Services - Banks in Slovenia
- Service Providers excluded from the provisions of ZPlaSSIED
- Seznam družb nad katerimi ni dovoljeno začeti insolvenčnih postopkov brez soglasja Banke Slovenije
Banking system supervision
Supervisory disclosure
- Information on authorisations granted
- Publication of administrative penalties
- Information on non-performing exposures
- Corporate financial indicators
- Data on losses stemming from exposures collateralised by immovable property
- Rules and guidance
- Options and national discretions
- List of public sector entities in Slovenia treated in accordance with Article 116(4) of CRR
- Aggregate statistical data
- Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT)
- Financial restrictive measures
- Stress tests
- Publication of documentation on the basis of Article 10 of the Act on Judicial Relief Granted to Holders of Qualified Bank Credit (ZPSVIKOB)
Supervisory disclosure
Macroprudential supervision
- Strategic framework for macroprudential policy
Macroprudential instruments
- Macroprudential restrictions on consumer lending
- Instruments for the real estate market
- Countercyclical capital buffer: 2nd quarter of 2024
- Capital buffer for other systemically important institutions (O-SII buffer)
- Systemic risk buffer (in force from 1 January 2025)
- Archive of macroprudential instruments
- Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori s področja makrobonitetnih omejitev
- Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori s področja makrobonitetnih omejitev kreditiranja potrošnikov (od 1. 7 2023)
- Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori s področja blažilnika sistemskih tveganj
- Macroprudential oversight in the EU
- Financial Stability Board
- Monthly report on bank performance
- Payments and infrastructure supervision
- Deposit guarantee scheme
- Resolution of banks
- Central credit register
- Current legislation updates
- Consumer lending
- Covered bonds
- Sustainable finance
- Prevention of money laundering
- Resolution and deposit guarantee scheme
- Macroprudential supervision
- Payment and settlement systems
- Central credit register
Seznam predpisov
- Zakoni, direktive in uredbe
- Opcije in diskrecije
- Kapital
- Kreditno tveganje
- Tržno tveganje, tveganje poravnave in CVA
- Operativno tveganje
- Likvidnost
- Velike izpostavljenosti in tveganje koncentracije
- Finančni vzvod
- Ureditev notranjega upravljanja
- Načrtovanje sanacije in zgodnje posredovanje
- Konsolidirani nadzor in finančni konglomerati
- Kapitalski blažilniki
- Licensing
- Poslovne knjige, letno poročilo in revizija
- II. steber
- Ostalo
- Publications
Institutions under supervision
Payments and infrastructure
- Fees for providing payments services
- Payment services and electronic money
National payments council
- Participation
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (marec 2015)
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (avgust 2015)
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (avgust 2016)
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (december 2016)
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (junij 2017)
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (avgust 2017)
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (avgust 2018)
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (december 2018)
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (november 2019)
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (junij 2020)
- E-novice Nacionalnega sveta za plačila (marec 2021)
- Documentation
- Digital Euro
- Payment systems
Settlement systems
- Central securities depository
- TARGET2-Securities
- T2S NUG zapisniki 2007
- T2S NUG zapisniki 2008
- T2S NUG zapisniki 2009
- T2S NUG zapisnik 2010
- T2S NUG zapisniki 2011
- T2S NUG zapisniki 2012
- T2S NUG zapisniki 2013
- T2S NUG zapisniki 2014
- T2S NUG zapisniki 2015
- T2S NUG zapisniki 2016
- T2S NUG zapisniki 2017
- NSD AMI-SeCo zapisniki
- Arhiv zapisnikov T2S NUG 2007-2017
- FAQs about crypto-assets
- Regulation
- Publications
Banknotes and coins
- The Eurosystem cash strategy
- Introduction of the euro in Slovenia
- Eurobanknotes
- Eurocoins
- Numismatics
- Cash professionals
- Cash exchange
- Foreign currency
Slovenian tolar
- Banknotes
- Coins
- Payment notes
- Security Features of Tolar Banknotes
Commemorative Editions Bank of Slovenia
- Gold and Silver Tolar
- Set of circulation coins 2006
- Set of circulation coins 1996 - 1999
- Set of circulation coins 2000
- Set of circulation coins 2001
- Set of circulation coins 2002
- Set of circulation coins 2003
- Set of circulation coins 2004
- Set of circulation coins 2005
- Reprodukcija bankovca za 10 tolarjev
- EU banknote collection
- Zbirka vrednostnih bonov (apoen 2.000 in 0,50)
- Zlata in srebrna medalja ob 10-letnici tolarja
- Set bankovcev ob 10-letnici tolarja
- Set priložnostnih tečajnih kovancev ob 10-letnici tolarja
- Banknote collection to mark 10 years of the Tolar
Commemorative Editions Republic of Slovenia
- 400 years anniversary of the battle at Sisak (1993)
- 300 years anniversary of the founding of the Academia Operosorum Labacensium (1993)
- 50 years anniversary of the founding of the Monetary Institute of Slovenia (1994)
- 1000 years anniversary of the death of Bishop Abraham, connected with the Freising manuscripts (1994)
- 50 years anniversary of the victory over nacism and fascism (1995)
- 50 years of FAO (1995)
- 100 years of the setting up of the Aljaz turret (1995)
- 150 years of the railways in Slovenia (1996)
- 100 years of Olympic games of modern times (1996)
- 5th anniversary of independence (1996)
- 250th anniversary of the birth of Ziga Zois (1997)
- 10th anniversary of the Republic of Slovenia and the tolar – the currency of the independent Republic of Slovenia
- On occasion of the 2002 FIFA cup Korea/Japan
- On occasion of the 35th Chess olympiad Bled, Slovenia (2002)
- European Year of People with Disabilities (2003)
- 60th anniversary of the Assembly of the Slovenian Nations Delegates in Kocevje (2003)
- 250th anniversary of the Birth of Jurij Vega (2004)
- 1000th anniversary of the first written mention of Bled (2004)
- 100th anniversary of Slovene film (2005)
- One Hundred Years since the Founding of the Slovene Sokol Association (2005)
- 250th anniversary of the birth of the playwright Anton Tomaž Linhart (2006)
- 150th anniversary of the birth of the poet Anton Aškerc (2006)
- List of the commemorative coins
- Education
- Regulation
- Euro area statistics
- Special data dissemination standards - SDDS
- First release: rapid report
Exchange rates and precious metals prices
- Bank of Slovenia exchange rates - ECB reference rates
- Bank of Slovenia foreign exchange rates - Currencies not published as ECB reference rates
- Bid and ask rates for Bank of Slovenia clients
- Currencies of the territories listed in the BS exchange rate lists
- Average foreign exchange rates
- Tolar exchange rates 1991-2006
- Zgodovina deviznih tečajev 1945 - 1998
- Interest rates
- Data series
- Net financial assets of the Bank of Slovenia
- Household finance and consumption (HFCN)
- List of contact persons
- Regulation
- Publications
- Report on bank performance
- Financial Stability Review
- Review of macroeconomic developments (and projections)
- Climate-related disclosure of Banka Slovenije’s own financial assets
- Statistical reports
- Research
- Annual reports
- Occasional publications
- Recovery of banks 2013/14
- ECB/EC publications
- Other publications
- Archive of former publications