How can I buy a numismatic product?

Numismatic products can be purchased and ordered as follows:

1. At the Bank of Slovenije counter ("BLAGAJNA BANKE SLOVENIJE")

Štefanova ulica 1 
T: +386 1 47 19 182

Monday to Friday:  9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Wednesday also:  2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

The Bank of Slovenia is only required to meet orders when it has sufficient stocks of numismatic products available. Information about stocks can be found on the List of numismatic product.

The Bank of Slovenia does not ship its numismatic products by post; they must be paid for and picked up at the Bank of Slovenia counters. 

The Bank of Slovenia currently does not have an online store.

2. At selected branches of Deželna banka Slovenije or by email [email protected].

Information about the availability of individual numismatic products at Deželna banka Slovenije can be obtained from the bank.

At Deželna banka Slovenije ([email protected]) numismatic products can be ordered and purchased for shipment by post outside Slovenia.

3. At company Moro & Kunst d.o.o.

Moro & Kunst d.o.o.
Dunajska 156, WTC
T: 00386 (0)1 530-44-08
E: [email protected]  

Monday to Thursday:   9:00 am to 17:00 pm
Friday:  9:00 am to 13:00 pm


For information on the availability of individual numismatic products at Moro & Kunst please contact them.

Numismatic products through e-shop can be ordered and purchased at Moro & Kunst's e-shop.
