Register of Supervised Entities
Detailed descriptions of entities by category
A bank or savings bank that under Articles 5 and 6 of the Banking Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 92/21 and 123/21 [ZBNIP]) holds a Banka Slovenije authorisation to provide banking services, mutually recognised financial services and ancillary financial services.
Banking services comprise the acceptance of deposits and other repayable funds from the public, and lending for own account.
The institution holds an authorisation to provide the following mutually recognised financial services and ancillary financial services.
When a credit institution obtains an authorisation to provide all or individual mutually recognised financial services listed in Annex I of Directive 2013/36/EU (the CRD IV) in a Member State, it may then provide these services on a cross-border basis throughout the EU without the need to establish subsidiaries (passporting).
The cross-border provision of services may be undertaken either by establishing a branch in another Member State (in accordance with Article 35 of the CRD IV) or directly through the free provision of services in another Member State (the services are provided directly, without any need for physical presence in the Member State in accordance with Article 39 of the CRD IV).
The institution holds an authorisation to provide the following mutually recognised financial services and ancillary financial services.
Banks of third countries may provide and distribute information about their services and conduct market research via a representative office as their organisational unit in Slovenia. A representative office does not have legal personality, and may not execute any other transactions in Slovenia.
A special financial institution is an undertaking established in an EEA country that is not a bank but has obtained an authorisation to provide individual mutually recognised financial services listed in Annex I of the CRD IV in its home country. The legal provisions that allow credit institutions of EU Member States to provide mutually recognised financial services in Slovenia are applied mutatis mutandis to special financial institutions of EEA countries.
The institution holds an authorisation to provide the following mutually recognised financial services and ancillary financial services.
A credit intermediary with an authorisation to act as a consumer credit intermediary for real estate is a natural or legal person who, pursuant to Article 62 of the Consumer Credit Act (ZPotK-2), in the course of their trade, business or profession and on the basis of an authorisation from a creditor, presents or offers credit to consumers, assists consumers in procedures prior to the conclusion of a credit agreement or concludes credit agreements for real estate with consumers on behalf of the creditor.
A credit intermediary established in another Member State may act as a consumer credit intermediary for real estate or provide advisory services in connection with such credit in Slovenia either directly or via a branch if it has obtained an authorisation to act as a consumer credit intermediary for real estate or to provide advisory services in connection with such credit in its home Member State, and if the Banka Slovenije receives advance notification from the competent authority of the home Member State of the intention to commence acting as a consumer credit intermediary for real estate in Slovenia with the information referred to in the fourth paragraph of Article 73 of the ZPotK-2.
A credit intermediary established in another Member State may only, either directly or via a branch, act as a consumer credit intermediary for real estate in Slovenia within the framework of the activities referred to in point 14 of Article 2 of the ZPotK-2 or provide advisory services in connection with such credit for which it has obtained an authorisation in the home Member State, and only for an eligible creditor (Article 58 of the ZPotK-2).
A creditor who has obtained a Banka Slovenije authorisation for the purposes of consumer lending in the form of real estate financial leases in accordance with Article 67 of the Consumer Credit Act (ZPotK-2).
Credit servicer is a legal person that has received a licence from Banka Slovenije, to, in the course of its business, manage and enforce the rights and obligations related to a creditor’s rights under a non-performing credit agreement, or to the non-performing credit agreement itself, on behalf of a credit purchaser, and carry out at least one or more credit servicing activities as prescribed in Article 3 of the Slovenian Act on Purchasers and Servicers of Non-Performing Loans of Banks (ZKSNKB).
Credit servicer who has obtained a license to perform credit servicing activities in another member state may, in accordance with Article 30 of the Act on Buyers and Servicers of Non-Performing Bank Loans, carry out credit servicing activities on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.
In accordance with Article 17 of ZKSNKB Banka Slovenije publishes and maintains a register of all credit servicers authorised to provide services within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, including credit servicers providing services on a cross border basis. The register is available at the link on the bottom of this page.
Number of hits 295
Title ABN AMRO Asset Based Finance N.V.
Address Vliegend Hertlaan 77, NL-3526 UTRECHT
Title ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
Address Gustav Mahlerlaan 10 NL-1082 PP Amsterdam
Title ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V.
Address Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, NL-1082 AMSTERDAM
Title Adyen B.V.
Address Simon Carmiggelstraat 6-50, NL-1011DJ Amsterdam
Title Aegon Bank N.V.
Address Nevelgaarde 60, NL-3430 BN Nieuwegein
Title Allianz Investmentbank AG
Address Hietzinger Kai 101-105, A-1130 Dunaj
Title Astrobank Limited
Address 1 Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue, CY-1065 Nicosia
Title Austrian Anadi Bank AG
Address Domgasse 5, A-9020 Klagenfurt / Celovec
Title Baader Bank AG
Address Weihenstephaner Strasse 4 D-85716 Unterschleissheim
Title Banca di Cividale S.p.A.
Address Via Senatore Guglielmo Pelizzo 8-1, I-33043 Čedad
Displaying 12 of 295 hits