Banka Slovenije's Fintech Innovation Hub
About the Fintech Innovation Hub
Banka Slovenije’s Fintech Innovation Hub is a dedicated, single point of contact for the exchange of information related to innovative business models and for clarification of regulatory requirements from the areas within the competence of Banka Slovenije. It targets business entities planning to provide solutions based on financial technologies (fintech) and that are interested in which regulatory requirements they will need to fulfil if they provide such services in Slovenia or within the European Economic Area.
What is fintech?
Fintech is an abbreviation of words FINancial and TECHnologies, and represents technology driven innovations in a wider field of financial services (payments, transfer of funds, budget planning, regulatory reporting and the like).
Who can participate at the Fintech Innovation Hub?
Market entities that develop innovative solutions in the field of financial services, as well as technology companies that cooperate with financial institutions in the development of innovative services, can participate in Banka Slovenije’s Fintech Innovation Hub.
Already established entities, as well as new market entrants, can participate in the Fintech Innovation Hub, regardless of whether or not they already have a licence for the provision of financial services.
Some examples of the most common business models considered in Banka Slovenije’s Fintech Innovation Hub:
- alternative methods of payment;
- services related to crypto assets;
- applications from the field of blockchain and DLT technologies;
- crowd-funding;
- regulatory technologies (RegTech);
- other technologies and applications related to financial services.
The limits of Fintech Innovation Hub?
Banka Slovenije’s Fintech Innovation Hub provides clarifications of the regulatory requirements from the areas within the competence of Banka Slovenije. Business entities requiring information related to the areas that fall outside the competence of Banka Slovenije are redirected to the corresponding competent authorities at the national level (such as the Securities Market Agency, Insurance Supervision Agency, Information Commissioner…). In order to ensure the neutral role of the Banka Slovenije, no specific advice related to business entities’ innovative services can be provided.
Contact us
In order to provide you with as swift a reply as possible, any queries should be sent to [email protected] and accompanied by a comprehensive description of the issue in question. In the email, please include:
- a detailed description of the business model, with a comprehensive explanation of the problem your innovative solution is solving. A specific plan and method of solution implementation is required, whilst an estimated project timeline is desirable;
- a diagram of the key processes and a diagram of the money flow among all the stakeholders in the solution;
- details of the legal relationships among all stakeholders in your solution (draft terms of use, contracts between all stakeholders…)
After Banka Slovenije’s Fintech Innovation Hub receives your query, clarification regarding regulatory requirements will be provided or the business entity will be invited to further elaborate on the intended business model