Banka Slovenije museum

  • Do you know how many gold bars it takes to make your weight in gold?
  • Have you ever weighed a gold bar?
  • Do you know when and how the tolar got its name?
  • How can we tell genuine banknotes from counterfeits?
  • What happens to money when it is damaged or worn out?
  • What is the Eurosystem?
  • How is inflation managed?
  • How do you know that your money is secure?

If these questions pique your interest, you should visit the Banka Slovenije museum. We welcome people of all ages who would like to know how the central bank works, how it is connected to the Eurosystem, and how its decisions impact the lives of individuals. These concepts and more are explained with audiovisual and interactive content, educational games, and traditional museum exhibits. 

At the museum you can see the key milestones of Slovenia as a state, and the key role played by Banka Slovenije. There is a particular focus on the tolar as Slovenia’s national currency. All the banknotes and coins that we have used since Slovenia gained its independence are on display. We also illustrate the workings of the Eurosystem, and our role in it. The key components of our work are presented in a practical way: price stability, supervision of the banking system, and the attention received by banks in difficulty.

The star attraction of the museum is surely the gold bar, which you can pick up to try and guess its weight. You can check how many gold bars make up your weight in gold, or take our electric quiz, you can try to manage inflation, and you can measure your height in cents and photograph yourself with two million euros.


What will you be able to see?

Banka Slovenije’s main tasks, and the functioning of central banks and the Eurosystem are presented in six thematic sections.


Banka Slovenije
... supervises

A secure financial system is a vital part of our lives. It helps give you confidence that your assets are safe, whether they are in the form of cash, or are invested in a bank or savings bank. We show visitors how to tell genuine banknotes from counterfeits, and how Banka Slovenije conducts supervision of financial institutions such as banks and savings banks.


... is responsible for stability

One of the most important objectives for a healthy economy is ensuring price stability. This makes it easier to plan your purchases and investments. We show you the levers that Banka Slovenije has to ensure that your money retains its value, and what role gold plays in this process.


... supplies cash

Storing value, first in the form of coins, and then banknotes, has been seen in the Slovenian lands ever since Roman times. Banka Slovenije’s task is to supply cash to the banks, who in turn supply the public. We show you the history of money in Slovenia, from independence to the latest series of euro cash.


... connects

The euro banknotes and coins in your pocket are one of the symbols of European integration. The single currency and the single payments system make it possible to visit different European countries without any currency risk. We show how euro area countries are all interconnected, despite their diversity.


... makes history

Since its establishment in 1991, Banka Slovenije has been a vital part of the workings of the Slovenian state. It even played an extremely important role in independence: it was the introduction of a stable domestic currency that allowed an independent monetary policy to be pursued. At the Banka Slovenije museum you can learn about the path that we have traversed since then. We also tell the story of the tolar, Slovenia’s first currency.


... educates

Macroprudential supervision, the ECB, denominations, interest rates, inflation... these are all terms used frequently by Banka Slovenije. A visit to the museum will help you understand these terms too.


Come and visit us

The Banka Slovenije museum offers free guided tours, workshops and education programmes for individuals and groups of all ages. Our programmes are suitable for groups of up to 20.

Arrangements for one of the organised programmes need to be made in advance, by emailing [email protected].

You can visit Banka Slovenije museum without pre-announcement every third Thursday between 13.00 and 18.00. Visit is free of charge.

Contact us for more information about the Banka Slovenije museum and our education programmes
Tel.: +386 1 471 90 00
email: [email protected]
Cankarjeva 1, Ljubljana (passage between Cankarjeva and Tomšičeva)




Photos from Banka Slovenije museum
